Monday 13 April 2015

Off Beat Look at the Election

I have included a range of clips from the campaign so far and also some excellent spoofs of election night itself. They are completely random. Enjoy!

1. Click here for a clip about the souvenir mugs produced by each of the parties.

2. You can't really understand the British electoral system without watching Monty Python's Election Special.

3. A spoof Yes Prime Minister on the 2010 Election.

4. A video produced by the House of Parliament to explain the general election.

5. An 18 year old explains the 2015 general election.

6. Click here for a summary of campaign promises on Friday 10th April. This has become known as 'Freebie Friday'.

7. Click here to see a BBC Question Time video with the GreenParty's Natalie Bennett.

8. Not a video but click here for a fascinating insight into party allegiance by first name.

9. Click here for a Game of Thrones take on the 2015 Election

10 Click here to find your seat and who won last time.

11. Click here for the BBC website's comedy look at the election.

12. Click here for an analysis of the 2015 General Election showing that it was the most unrepresentative result in history.


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